Thursday, August 5, 2010

Goodie, goodie gumdrops

I bet church is going to be really fun on Sunday.


  1. That's right, you're in California now! (sorry, it's taking me a while to get used to the idea) I'm excited for you to report back! Surprisingly, I haven't seen any negative facebook comments yet(and have seen a few positive ones), but maybe they're all just unaware right now? Or maybe everyone's aware that it'll be appealed and that nothing's really changed for the time being.

  2. Yes, I suppose the injunction against any new marriages being performed would put a damper on some of the excitement. It's pretty clear the fight isn't over.

  3. Well, the ultra-conservative end of my facebook friends have begun commenting. Let's see, we've got one person widely labeling anyone who is against Prop 8 (and therefore disagrees with the prophet) an apostate. Fun, fun. I'm currently debating whether I appreciate the entertainment value of such people's comments enough to put up with the forehead-slapping I go through from being their "friend" (especially if they're people I haven't seen in years and will never see again).

  4. I always wonder if comments like, "I am just stunned when I see people going against what a prophet says..." as code for the prop-8 hoopla.

  5. Or whatever politics are currently most controversial. I'm sure there were plenty of anti-ERA comments that were similar a couple of decades ago.
