Monday, March 14, 2011

Far Foster's

Yesterday was the Alumi baseball game at 'tech, and since we're finally relatively close, Derrick took the opportunity to go play. Since we headed north during strawberry season, we also took time to pick up some donuts at the Donut man (which, for some reason, we called Far Foster's while at 'tech). Those donuts were one of the best things about spring during college. Of course, we had to introduce our daughter to the wonder and grace of the strawberry donut.

We got to campus about an hour and a half before Derrick needed to get ready, so we wandered around some, visiting the DNA pool (which Sylvia wanted to swim in) and Millikan (which Sylvia also wanted to swim in), and Throop (which Sylvia might have wanted to swim in, but was getting used to my telling her no, so she didn't really try. She did, however, want to investigate the turtles and fish).

We headed over to the game around noon. Derrick warmed up while I entertained Sylvia. We eventually got hungry, and Sylvia was tired, so we wandered to Trader Joe's, where Sylvia napped and I bought snacks, and then came back and watched the game. Or parts of it, anyway. Sylvia mostly wanted to see her dad, and wanted to go out on the field with him (not the safest thing with fast-moving balls and sticks around). We did see a couple of his at bats, and a few fun plays. I'm sure the team usually beats the alums, but these guys seemed like a good bunch of baseball players--kinda more serious than the ones I remember at 'tech.

After the game we went out to Burger Continental with the alums and coaches, where Sylvia socialized quite a bit, pretty well monopolizing the time of one guy in particular, who I think she kind of had a crush on. It was pretty cute.

The donuts were still awesome this morning :)

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